There's a whole lot of nothing to report. Speculation about the next Doctor goes on, with Rory Kinnear in the forefront today. I don't think I know him. It doesn't look like he's been in anything I've seen, yet. We are going through the Bond movies now, and I know he was in Quantum and Skyfall. Bottom line, I have no opinion on him. We'll see if I have one on whose name pops up tomorrow. I honestly don't know why people report rumors from some sources, sources that are particularly known for not getting it right. So I am going to stay out of that mix until something more reliable comes along.

Until then I have decided I am going to review a couple of books I got for my Kindle. One is, 'Angel's Kiss', by Melody Malone from "The Angels Take Manhattan". The other one is the one that Artie was reading in "The Bells of Saint John", called 'Summer Falls', by Amelia Williams. It won't be a spoilery review, like the episodes are. Actually, I might've just lied. I just haven't decided yet. I've never reviewed a book before. I also just started reading the 'Prisoner of Time' comic book series they have been releasing this year. That got me to thinking. These comic books are numbered, 1 of 12, 2 of 12, 3 of 12, and so on. Each is of one Doctor starting with the first. So in December will there be a 12th Doctor comic book? Same goes with the short novels they have been releasing each month, which I may also review.
Over on the classic side I'm reviewing 1986's "
The Trial of a Timelord" which was the entire season 23. So that's what's coming up so far. Hopefully we will hear by the time they start filming Christmas next month who Who will be and all this madness can stop.
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